Tag Archives: halloween

Links, Pictures, and Videos to Brighten Your Monday

New London is in the New York Times Travel Section!

Chipmunk vs. Peanut.

The latest style in pants.

A report on Women in the Armed Services and PTSD.

Port Mortuary’s Pull

Fertility Rates are Falling

War Games: Russia and NATO

Why leaves fall off of trees.

Coffee Bean and A Carbon Atom (scale)

Clinton’s tour did not go well in Pakistan and Israel.

A Day in the life of an Armadillo. Cool report on the Museum of Animal Perspectives (link here)

Political Battle in Upstate New York

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Saturday’s Links

Homestar Runner’s classic Halloween cartoons

How to talk to cops when you get pulled over

Opera’s vote gets switched by a hacked voting machine. Nothing wrong with going old school here. These machines have bad written all over them.

Jimmy Kimmel Roasts Sarah Silverman

American Stories, good op-ed

Palin hurting McCain… surprise surprise

Buy 25$ restaurant gift certificates for 2$

Sound a bit familiar:

And now, kids eating lemons:

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Unsanitary Obsession

I have to say the that the people at my school are obsessed with the idea of Halloween. I’ve been giving lectures on it in my classes for the past month and a half. I think they just can’t get their heads around the fact that the U.S. might have a unique cultural event that isn’t really celebrated in other places, or if it is, it’s a weak carbon copy of the tradition that thrives in the states.

They’ve asked me so many questions about it, that I think I’ve started to propagate some false myths. I didn’t mean to.

They asked me, “Are zer typical games one playz on Halloveen?”

So, I told them that, “Yes, sometimes people bob for apples.”

Their eyes widened as I explained the details. I’m pretty sure I’ve bobbed for apples once in my life. And if there’s any Halloween tradition that is dieing out then it is apple bobbing. It’s one of those things that should’ve died out with using x-rays to fit shoes, blood letting, or popped collars – just bad ideas. But they were having none of it and seemed to think it was an essential part of the holiday.

I was never a fan of this game, even when I was a kid. I think it might be the most unsanitary thing ever created. But for the past few weeks, the teachers and the students have been nagging me constantly to organize an apple bobbing game on Halloween. I’m pretty sure the bird flu is going to break out at my school and I’ll be the one solely responsible for the oncoming epidemic. There’s going to be about 200 kids sticking their faces into the same tub of mealy apples and old tap water.

I’m sure as hell not participating. If they ask me to demonstrate I’ll just draw an example on the board while I wear my haz-mat suit and prey I don’t catch some strange disease that is sure to spread throughout Germany over the next month.

I’ll blame it on their stubborn obsession with apples and water, but if they decide to arrest me for the sure to be disease outbreak, call the embassy.

I’m innocent; I swear.


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Links for your Monday

More to come:

Bollywood takes on outsourcing

Sarah Palin has facebook.

Random musical recommendation. Some fun brit pop.

How much sleep do you really need? There’ll be a study next week refuting this.

Health of the candidates is being withheld from the public.



Creepy Halloween Ad:

I hate nature video:

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